Geoffrey Blake Architectural Heritage Fund

Grants for volunteer-led and charitable groups to support community-based projects of architectural merit in Cumbria that enhance people’s experience and understanding of the built environment. Projects must have full access by the public and have a clear benefit to the community.

Private individual, who created the Fund in memory of her father, who had a long-standing interest in historical architecture.

Who can apply?
• volunteer-led and charitable groups

Examples of projects the Fund would like to support:
• renovation of community features and landmarks, e.g., watering holes, crosses and memorials
• renovation of features of public buildings which have particular architectural merit
• the creation of new work including sculptures and other built features
• reconstructing historical bridleways of significant importance

What the Fund will not support in addition to our normal exclusions:
• individuals
• major building renovations

How much can you apply for?
Grants will normally be between £500 – £1,000; however, there is no maximum award amount.

If you would like further information about this fund please contact:
Lisa Blackwell on 01900 825760 or email