Education Fund (Cumbria)

Grants to support all types of educational activities for disadvantaged people of any age in Cumbria.

Various Trusts which have been transferred to the Foundation to manage

Who can apply?
• individuals who reside in Cumbria
• voluntary and community groups based in Cumbria

Priority will be given to projects which support one of the following aims:
• academic or social skills
• life or employment skills
• sport or artistic skills

Examples of projects supported:
• course-related costs including books, computer equipment, and travel expenses
• kit and training-related costs for an aspiring athlete
• voucher scheme for training and technical courses for young farmers
• community garden helping young offenders develop social and employment skills
• arts workshops for older people to develop independence and increase learning

How much can you apply for?
Grants will normally be less than £1,000 over one year.

Household income will be taken into account in the assessment of an application for an individual.

If you would like further information about this fund please contact:
Ellen Clements on 01900 825760 or email