Registration Assistant

Registration is our first point of contact with our clients and first impressions really do matter.

Key Tasks:
• Welcome
• Look up rider name & number
• Hand out rider numbers & goody bags
• Hand out timing chips
• Saturday 4pm-8pm
• Sunday 6am-11am

Registration is likely to be a very busy affair as many riders will register at a similar time and there may be some queuing.  

There will be two opportunities for cyclists to register – the evening before the event and early on the day of the event. 

Registration will be inside the marquee on Fitz Park and volunteers working in teams of at least two where possible. 

This is also the time when riders may ask lots of questions so all volunteers will be briefed about the event to assist them in answering.  If you are unsure of the answer just ask someone from the CCF Team, who will be able to assist.

Tea, Coffee and refreshments will be provided throughout.

If you would like to join us as a volunteer email Andrea Takacs at