Grants for charitable groups supporting young people who reside in Cumbria, with preference for disadvantaged young people aged between 14 – 25, to improve their life skills, education, employability and enterprise. Education includes academic, occupational or social education, the acquisition of life or employment skills, physical, sporting, music or other artistic skills.
CN Group Limited (proprietor of Cumbria Newspapers)
Who can apply?
• charitable groups
Priority will be given to activities that support:
• equipment to support further education
• employability programmes
• bringing businesses and young people together equipping them for work
interview training
• programmes for young people studying music, sport or the arts
What the fund will not support in addition to our normal exclusions:
• individuals
How much can you apply for?
There is no minimum or maximum award amount. Multi-year funding may be considered.
If you would like further information about this fund please contact:
Tracy Cheesbrough on 01900 825760 or email