Laidlaw Fund for the Environment

Grants for volunteer-led, community, and charitable groups undertaking projects that benefit wildlife habitat protection and education of the natural environment in Carlisle and the surrounding area.

Eleanor Laidlaw created the fund in recognition and memory of her parents who instilled in her a lifelong love of nature. Eleanor recalls the importance of education in the wonder and beauty of the natural world and would like future generations to benefit.

Who can apply?
• volunteer-led, community, and charitable groups that promote conservation and protection of the natural environment

Examples of projects the Fund would like to support:
• local environment and habitat initiatives
• activities that inform and educate, e.g; forest schools
• environmental and habitat workshops
• activities that encourage involvement in protection and enhancement of the natural environment

How much can you apply for?
Grants will normally be between £500 – £1,000; however, there is no maximum award amount.

If you would like further information about this fund please contact:
Lisa Blackwell on 01900 825760 or email