Burnetts Thrive Fund

Grants for individuals (ages 11-19) attending one of the designated schools listed below to help raise their educational attainment and career aspirations.

Designated Schools (located near the main offices of Burnetts Solicitors)
• Cockermouth School, Cockermouth
• Richard Rose Central Academy, Carlisle
• Excelsior Academy, Newcastle

Burnetts Solicitors

Who can apply?
• Individuals (ages 11-19) who are attending one of the designated schools, are facing ‘challenging circumstances’ for whom the grant would make a significant difference.

Please note: The application must be supported by a teacher from the designated school.

Examples of ‘Challenging Circumstances’ include:
• low-income household
• recent bereavement, e.g., of a parent/carer or sibling
• terminal/chronic illness or terminal illness of a parent/carer or sibling
• care-experienced
• diagnosed with special educational need and/or disability
• is experiencing, or has been impacted by, domestic violence and abuse
• young carer for a close family member
• has been, is, or at risk of being excluded from school or college
• at risk of leaving school and becoming NEET

Examples of activities the Fund will support:
• school or youth organisation residential trips
• costs associated with work-experience activities
• an instrument for a talented musician
• a theatre workshop for a talented actor
• training costs for an aspiring athlete

What the Fund will not support in addition to our normal exclusions:
• groups
• family holidays
• activities or items that would be a statutory responsibility

How much can you apply for?
Grants will normally be between £400 – £1,200 over one year.

Individuals can apply for a maximum of two applications to the Fund as follows:
• one application while in mainstream education, up to and including year 11
• one application while in post-16 education

If you would like further information about this fund please contact:
Tracy Cheesbrough on 01900 825760 or email grants@cumbriafoundation.org