Broughton Moor Wind Farm Fund

Grants for community groups and projects in the Broughton Moor Wind Farm area.

Engie and Clean Earth Energy

Who can apply?
• volunteer-led and community groups which benefit the Parish of Broughton Moor

What type of projects can be funded?
• conservation, protection and improvement of the built and natural environment within the Parish
• provision of facilities for recreation, entertainment, arts and sporting activities
• advancement of the education of the residents of the Parish about all aspects of renewable energy generation and sustainability
• promotion or rural regeneration in the areas served by the Parish
• measures to assist in the alleviation of fuel poverty

What the Fund will not support in addition to our normal exclusions:
• individuals

How much can you apply for?
Grants will normally be between £500 – £1,000; however, there is no minimum or maximum award amount.

If you would like further information about this fund please contact:
Lisa Blackwell on 01900 825760 or email