Evening Hill Grassroots Grants

What all of our fund holders have in common is a desire to create better and stronger communities. We are very proud to work with generous businesses, organisations and individuals, and be able to award £2.3 million annually to charitable projects across Cumbria.

The Evening Hill Fund was established in 2009 with a donation of £25,000 by an anonymous couple from Cumrbia. They wanted to create a fund which benefits 16 – 25 year olds, and improves older people’s quality of life, particularly in rural areas.

Here at the Foundation, we want to foster a higher level of community empowerment through community-focused philanthropy. The donor of the Evening Hill Fund, said: “Cumbrians are very proud but sometimes both young and old need a little help to realise that local projects can improve their quality of life and, in a small way, we are hoping to achieve that by financially supporting the organisations that provide them.”

Our Place Youth Club runs twice a week and offers somewhere for young people in Ambleside and the surrounding areas to go to that is safe and fun. A grant from the Evening Hill Fund contributed to running costs. The club recently offered a group of quiet and unassuming girls the opportunity to take part in a music and dance film project.

Catherine Powloski, Youth Leader said: “The money has ensured young people have somewhere to go in a rural community. The girls have benefited from dance training and in turn this has led to higher level of self-esteem and confidence. It has been great to see them grow and blossom.”

As well as offering social activities, the Club also gives people volunteering opportunities in a youth work setting which often assists with their further education, Duke of Edinburgh awards and employment.