11th August 2013
Welcome back dear readers, I’m so happy you are sticking with me for the this voyage of discovery.
The training progresses well, despite the less than fashionable cycle wear – the pit helmet may be discarded for something more in keeping with the athletic physique!! However I find the lycra disturbingly comfortable! The attire performed well during my recent 46 mile round trip to Southport. Yes I know it’s flat but you’ve got to start somewhere! The hills of Rivington and Angelzarke are more of a challenge though and certainly give the old knees a workout.
One disturbing piece of news is that the Bouncing Baby of the team (Chris Hart) seems to think his youth alone will get him through the challenge. I think not young man – get on that bike and ride! I am reliably informed that the remaining Psyclos are pushing themselves to their limits. Whether their limits involve breaking into a sweat is yet to be determined.
The good news is that a reccy has been completed of the infamous Whinlatter – feared by some, admired by others. I can report that, from the comfort of my Alfa, as opposed to the discomfort of my saddle, that the pass is eminently passable. You need not fear the inclines, my fellow athletes, your fears can be allayed.
News hot off the press, another NSG team has thrown down the gauntlet of challenge, The NSGeese. Update on their lack of athleticism will be in the next update. Need to go now and stock up with Vaseline.