Lamont Pridmore Grassroots Fund

Grants for small voluntary, community groups and grass-roots organisations to enable them to continue or expand their work in advocacy, community voice, and service provision for local people in Allerdale, particularly the Workington area.

Lamont Pridmore

Who can apply?
• voluntary and community groups in the priority area which support community services and projects that:
help people learn new things and increase their personal confidence
get people involved in their community
make the community a better place to live

Examples of projects supported:
• theatre workshops for schoolchildren in deprived areas
• coaching training for local trampoline club
• kit and equipment for junior football club
• premises hire for youth club activities
• music workshops and master classes in schools

What the Fund will not support in addition to our normal exclusions:
• individuals

How much can you apply for?
Grants will normally be less than £1,000 over one year, however, there is no minimum or maximum award amount.

If you would like further information about this fund please contact:
Lisa Blackwell on 01900 825760 or email